Famine Exhibition & Jackie Clarke Museum

This week Fifth and Sixth Class visited the Famine Exhibition and Jackie Clarke Museum.  The children got to view many historical artefacts and discovered lots of information relating to an Gorta Mór in the Civic Offices Ballina.  Afterwards we had a lovely lunch in the…

Farm Safety

This week the children from First to Sixth Class had a talk on Farm Safety from Benny Joyce.  He brought our attention to many risks on the farm such as: slurry tanks, tractors, quads, machinery, animals, ladders, swinging gates, PTO shafts, chainsaws and chemicals.  The…

Green Schools Walk.

All  classes  took  part  in  a  Green  Schools  Walk  today. We  know  that  physically  active  children  have  more  active  brains.Walking  builds  stronger  bodies  and  helps  our  emotional  development. It  helps  us  connect  with  nature  and  appreciate  our  wonderful  unspoilt  local  environment.

Board Games

There was great excitement when Santa paid a visit to Kilglass National School before Christmas.  Singing, laughter and joy filled the air as Santa Claus gave each class a big bag of board games for their classrooms.  Monopoly, Chess, Draughts, Guess Who?, HedBanz, Boggle, Connect…

Trip to Cob House

On Thursday the 6th of December Fifth and Sixth Class went to Cob House in Screen. We learned all about cob and how to make it. Cob is earth used as building material. Straw is mixed in with it to improve its strength. First, we…

An-Scléip ag an Tionól

Bhí Tionól beo beathaíoch sainiúil againn Dé hAoine le dánta, rannta, amhráin agus drámaí.  Chualamar na páistí ag baint úsáid as go leor Frásaí na Seachtaine agus nathanna cainte.  Bhain an lucht féachana ard-taitneamh as an tionól bríomhar ó thús deireadh! We had a lively assembly…

Maths Week

Lots of interest and curiosity was sparked during Maths Week as children throughout the school worked on lots of interesting and engaging maths activities and problems.  Problem of the Day was a great success and created an enthusiastic buzz around the corridors early every morning.  The…


Bhí Tionól bríomhar againn inniú le dánta, rannta, amhráin agus drámaí.  Chualamar na páistí ag baint úsáid as go leor Frásaí na Seachtaine agus nathanna cainte. We had a lively assembly today full of poems, rhymes, songs and dramas.  We heard the children using lots of…

Seashore Safari

Seashore Safari 2018 Over the last few days the children from Third to Sixth Class have been learning about the plants and animals which inhabit our shoreline.  We uncovered many interesting facts about various types of seaweed and animals such as barnacles, limpets, mussels, periwinkles,…

Cumann na mBunscol Final

The girls reached the Cumann na mbunscol final after playing against some great teams along the way. They put in great effort in training and they took on Achonry in the final in Markeivicz Park. Unfortunately, it didn’t go our way on the day but…