Dear Parents / Guardians

As we continue the fight against Covid-19, we again respectfully request that parents / guardians and students remain vigilant against the current wave of Covid-19.

Please observe protocols adopted by the school in light of public health advice and if your child displays any symptoms we ask that you do not send them to school until they are well again or have been tested.

All children in a pod/class can continue to attend school as long as they remain asymptomatic and they do not have a positive COVID-19 antigen or PCR test result.

The Antigen Freephone number is: 1800 110055 or parents may order antigen tests online via – Our roll number is 15571E.

Note that if a pupil is identified as a CLOSE CONTACT of a case in their household they will have to restrict their movement as per national guidelines for household close contact and get a PCR test as soon as possible.

Please refer to the HSE website regularly for the most -up-to-date information.

The pro-active approach and support shown by our entire school community last year was amazing and we remained Covid-free as a result.  We look forward to this continued collective approach which will hopefully keep us all safe in the coming weeks and months.

BoM of Kilglass National School
