We are now commencing the enrolment process for 2025 – 2026. Please see below for all the relevant documents. Enrolment Application Form 2025-2026 Annual Admissions Notice 2025-2026 Admissions Policy Kilglass National School
Scripts, roles, rehearsals and costumes have been centre stage in classrooms over the last two weeks. Children practiced lines, rehearsed songs and showcased their talents in preparation for the Christmas plays. From excitement to nervousness and everything in between children from Junior Infants to Sixth Class got…
Congratulations to our Sixth Class debating team for winning the first round of the Concern Primary Debate competition. Kilglass opposed the motion that ‘Every person in Ireland should be given a bike’ and while there were great ideas presented by both sides Kilglass was successful and…
Thank you to everybody who supported the Christmas Shoebox Appeal from Team Hope. 72 boxes were collected from the school last week which will make many children smile and generates a lovely spirit leading up to Christmas. This act of caring develops the children’s awareness…
Check out our maths problems of the week as well as a few extra special ones for Maths Week. Good luck everyone! Fourth and Fifth classes enjoyed using our IZAK9 cubes to further their maths problem solving skills! Maths Trails On Thursday all the boys…
Second – Sixth classes are enjoying a series of writing workshops with author Gerry Boland. The children are exploring different forms of poetry and narrative writing and the quality of writing already produced is fantastic! It is also wonderful to see the students pride in…
Mini 7s Tournament Fifth and Sixth classes had a very successful day out at the Mini 7’s tournament in Castleconnor. Both the boys and girls teams had a wonderful day and experienced some great wins. Congratulations to Lily and Gavin who took part in the…
A big thank you to Kilglass Parent Association for our lovely Playground Markings which were added to the school environs over the summer months. It is great to see the children interact and play on yard with our new playground features. Hopscotch, Snakes and Ladders,…
As part of our Greens Schools Travel theme, our application to have our lovely new bicycle 10 space toast rack and shelter was successful and installed during the summer months. A big thank you to Ciarán Hussey our Green Schools Officer who facilitated a Berry…
Míle Buíochas I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone in our community, Board of Management, Staff, Parents and Children who have worked so hard to ensure Kilglass National School was a place of joyful learning. The contribution of many…