Lóchrainn na Rónta- a light installation and performance celebrating the legend of the Selkie- took place at sunset on May 14 , 2023, on Enniscrone beach.

This installation and short performance was the result of a Creative Cluster collaboration between Kilglass NS, Killeenduff NS, Leaffoney NS, Rathlee NS and Stokane NS with the artist Tom Meskell and musician Rossa Ó Snodaigh

The performance and installation was a unique celebration of our children’s creative endeavour and the culmination of the first West Sligo Creative Cluster, of which Ms.Brogan was the Lead Teacher/Cluster Coordinator.

On the anniversary of this spectacular event, we are proud to announce that this project, Lóchrainn na Rónta, was named winner of  the Best in Connaught award at Urban Landscapes Ireland fifth annual Excellence in Placemaking awards.

The awards were established to reward organisations and communities throughout Ireland that make genuine efforts to improve their local communities through the initiation of placemaking projects that add to the public realm and make these places better places in which to ‘live, work and play’.

The competition sought to shortlist the best examples of Placemaking throughout the four provinces of Ireland. Judges, which included esteemed planners, architects and academics all commented on the calibre of entries received and the extent to which the importance of Placemaking is now gaining momentum in the Irish market.

We are thrilled to have won this prestigious award.

To celebrate our award and to remember an event that will live long in our collective memory, click on the link to enjoy Fionn Roger’s beautiful footage of our momentous creative achievement.

Gura fada buan sinn!

Ní neart go cur le chéile!
